Primanatura Giardini s.r.l.
Municipality of Pistoia
This project was intended as a contemporary re-writing of a strongly historicized location characterized by deep-rooted vestiges reflected in both the garden’s internal division and its design, which is recorded in the city’s 19th-century land registry. The collision between past and present generated a plan at once new and old capable of dialoguing with the city’s contemporary art museum. A hallmark of the garden is a large piece of contemporary art, a red cement disk rising up from ground, and the space is defined by basins containing luxuriant blooms alternating throughout the year between various tones of the three primary colours. The choice and juxtaposition of flowers in shades of red, yellow and blue were dictated by the principle of decomposition and fragmentation that regulates the entire structure of the garden. The primary colours mingle together as though an artist has played around with them on a canvas.